Following is a partial list of AgBundl and affiliate (Including respective owners) company trademarks and registered trademarks in India and other countries and corresponding common-noun Generic Terms. Unregistered or pending trademarks may bear the ™ symbol and registered will bear the ® symbol. Failure by AgBundl to list a particular trademark (registered or unregistered) is not a waiver of any AgBundl and affiliate (Including respective owners) rights.
AgBundl ® Software as Platforms and agriculture-related services.
Agc ® Software as platforms and applications.
ProfferAgc ® Software as platforms and applications.
HerdStack Agc ® Software as a platform and animal husbandry-related services.
KairoStorage Agc ™ Software as a platform and hardware features.
Agleap.Ai ® Software technology and applications.
AIoT ™ Software applications and Hardware.